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Instant cash loan in Czech Republic

We have collected the best offers of credit institutions and banks of Czech Republic. It remains to choose what suits you. Quickly get a loan is sometimes the only way to solve complex financial problems. A payday loan will provide an opportunity to complete the protracted repair, have a great rest during the holidays or improve their own health. How to dispose of the amount is the business of the recipient, the main thing is to return the borrowed money in time.

Choose payday loan company:

  • creditron-cz
  • cashbro-cz

What is that ?

One Card for all your purchases

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over 46 million merchants worldwide

What currency of card ?

currencies or euros

Time to order


Special terms

Install the TRASTRA mobile App


5 layers

Terms max


Amount max

100'000 Kč


RPSN max

on site calculations



Special terms

ANYcredit history

Way to Get cash  

loan to bank



Amount max

10'000 Kč


RPSN max

365 %annual percentage rate



Special terms

18+age of borrower

Way to get cash  

loan to bank



Amount max

15'000 Kč


RPSN max

855%annual percentage rate



Special terms

500 Kčmin payment

Way to Get cash  

loan to bank
RPSN (roční procentní sazba nákladů) je číslo, které má umožnit spotřebiteli lépe vyhodnotit výhodnost nebo nevýhodnost poskytovaného úvěru.
RPSN udává procentuální podíl z dlužné částky, který musí spotřebitel zaplatit za období jednoho roku v souvislosti se splátkami, správou a dalšími výdaji spojenými s čerpáním úvěru.
Poskytovatel spotřebitelského úvěru je v Česku od 1. ledna 2002 ze zákona povinen uvádět u své nabídky i RPSN. Pokud poskytovatel tuto povinnost nesplní, je jím poskytnutý úvěr automaticky úročen repo sazbou ČNB (což je zpravidla pro zákazníka výrazně výhodnější). Obdobnou povinnost mají i poskytovatelé v ostatních zemích EU, vyplývá ze směrnice 98/7/ES.

About payday loans

Most often, payday loans are for no more than a few hundred bucks and need to be paid back within a couple of weeks. To get a payday loan, you typically write a check for the amount you are borrowing, plus a fee. You might leave the check with the lender, and they cash it once you are ready to repay.

If you can’t repay your payday loan when it comes due, you sometimes can roll it over so that the loan is extended. You don’t have to repay it, but fees keep accumulating. Some states regulate rollovers by outlawing them or limiting the number of times you can renew. Before taking out a payday loan, it's important to review the laws in the state where you live.

Payday loans are sometimes marketed as no credit check loans. You don't need good credit scores or even a credit history, and getting approved is easy relative to more traditional loans. As a result, they are popular with people facing financial difficulties.

Payday loans terms

Payday lenders charge borrowers extremely high levels of interest which can range up to 500% in annual percentage yield (APR). Most states have usury laws that limit interest charges to less than approximately 35% however payday lenders fall under exemptions that allow for their high interest. Since these loans qualify for many state lending loopholes, borrowers should beware. Regulations on these loans are governed by the individual states with some states even outlawing payday loans of any kind.

In California for example a payday lender can charge a 14-day APR of 459% for a $100 loan. Finance charges on these loans are also a significant factor for borrowers as the fees can range up to approximately $18 per $100 of loan.

Although the federal Truth in Lending Act does require payday lenders to disclose their finance charges, many borrowers overlook the costs. Most loans are for 30 days or less and help borrowers to meet short-term liabilities. Loan amounts on these loans are usually from $100 to $1,500. Oftentimes these loans can be rolled over for additional finance charges and many borrowers are often repeat customers. A number of court cases have been filed against these lenders as lending laws following the 2008 financial crisis have been enacted to create a more transparent and fair lending market for consumers.

How to get cash online

Our online paydaycash loans service is easy to use. It takes only 3 minutes to apply, and you have no obligation to accept the offer. If approved for a payday loan, get the money directly to your bank account or credit card as soon as the next business day.

1. Choose financial organization and click «Get loan»
2. Wait decision on operator's phone call
3. Get cash   on card or banking account.

Our online paydaycash loan service is safe and confidential. Your personal data is secured with SSL encryption, and our customer support is always eager to assist you. Get an online payday loan and cover your emergency cash needs.

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